Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fishing in Fort Myers Florida is Hot, Hot, Hot!

The weather has been hot, hot, hot and so has the fishing. The weather pattern is suppose to continue for the next week with warm, clear mornings and afternoon thundershowers along with improving tides. That’s normal for this time of year and that’s what the fish seem to like. 

It is the time to get out early and get back to the dock by noon to beat the heat of the day. The tarpon bite has been great during the first part of the morning.Tarpon are all over the beaches right now and this is where he’s been spending most of my time. Look for rolling and feeding tarpon near the numerous bait schools that form off the beach in 15 to 22 feet of water. Once you locate the bait, shut your engine off and keep your eyes peeled for big flashes of silver. Drift a couple of free lined live threadfins through the bait schools and also keep a pitch rod ready to throw a bait to a roller that could pop up at any time. A great thing about this type of fishing is that you always have fresh bait near by that you can catch with a sabiki rig.

After jumping a couple of tarpon and releasing some sharks try taking that same bait and casting it along the shoreline around the area passes. You should find some very hungry snook there to greet you. By that time it will be well into the 90's and that’s time for a cold one back at the dock.

If you are looking for an exciting day of fishing in Soutwest Florida then come "Battle with the Best" with Captain Sean A. Davis.

Book your Fishing adventure today!!!
Until then, Bent Rods and Screaming Drags.

Captain Sean A. Davis
Fish Warrior Charter

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tarpon Fishing in Fort Myers Florida

May is one of my favorite months to fish and this May is no different. Bait has been plentiful with threadfin herrings gathered up around the bridges and nearshore structure while whitebait is all over the beaches. Catch the bait and then pick your species. Sharks, tarpon and big spanish mackerel dominate the nearshore region this month. Drifting large threads in 10 to 20 feet of water can produce all three at any given time. Snook, trout and and jack crevalle will readily take the free lined white bait anywhere around the passes. Big Carlos and New Pass are loaded with all three. 
 Migrating tarpon off of the beaches are waiting to eat your free lined threadfin herring. Speckled sea trout are lining up in the passes during good moving water and will go after white bait or shrimp. Snook are standing by to attack anything that goes by them on the strong out going tides this past week. Remember, they are catch and release only right now.
If you are looking for an exciting day of fishing in Soutwest Florida then come "Battle with the Best" with Captain Sean A. Davis.

Book your Fishing adventure today!!!
Until then, Bent Rods and Screaming Drags.

Captain Sean A. Davis
Fish Warrior Charters

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Springtime fishing in Southwest Florida!

“Hooray, Spring finally made it to southwest Florida”. The bait is thick along the area beaches. Throw a 1/4 inch cast net to score big on scaled sardines. The near shore bite is a sure thing right now. Big spanish mackerel, kingfish, cobia, and others have invaded the near shore reefs. White bait on a 3/0 circle hook with a small split shot is all that is needed to get these fish to bite. If your bait can get past the top half of the water column there are grouper, snapper and trout near the bottom that will eat your bait as well. It has been a long cold winter so get out there and enjoy the warm sunshine and catch some fish!

“Bait, bait, bait.” It’s time to dust off your cast nets and get to work catching live bait along the beaches. They are currently covered with nice sized scaled sardines and a well full of them will ensure a great day of fishing. The snook are running rampant along the oyster bars and passes. Free lining the bait on a 2/0 or 3/0 circle hook is the ticket. It is all catch and release snook fishing right now but no one is complaining about getting 20 to 30 snook a day with many in or over the slot. The jacks are also busting the live bait and they are great fighters on light tackle.

If you are looking for an exciting day of fishing in Soutwest Florida then come "Battle with the Best" with Captain Sean A. Davis.

Book your Fishing adventure today!!!
Until then, Bent Rods and Screaming Drags.

Captain Sean A. Davis
Fish Warrior Charters

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fishing in Fort Myers is heating up!

Fishing is really starting to heat up in Estero Bay and the Gulf waters thanks to warmer water temperatures and excellent spring tides. Redfish are starting to show and there have been quite a few nice snapper caught on the near shore reefs. Sheepshead are everywhere and are getting bigger and bigger thanks to the spawn. They make a great dinner and are fairly easy to catch.

Fishing is coming along and the sheepshead are in full spawn mode. They are moving from the backwaters to the nearshore reefs daily. Big sheepies to 8 pounds are being taken on the reefs and rock piles and 2 to 4 pounders are on the inside. Shrimp on a light wire hook or small jig heads have been the go-to method. Capt. Sean said that lots of trout are starting to move into the bay as well but it has been a “here today, gone tomorrow” kind of thing. Live shrimp under a popping cork seems to do the trick. Redfish are starting to show more regularly as well and fishing for them should improve as the weather warms.
If you are looking for an exciting day of fishing in Florida then come "Battle with the Best" with Captain Sean A. Davis.

Book your Fishing adventure today!!!
Until then, Bent Rods and Screaming Drags.

Captain Sean A. Davis
Fish Warrior Charters
Fishing Fort Myers, Florida Fishing Report, Fort Myers Beach fishing, Fort Myers Fishing, Ft. Myers Fishing, Southwest Florida Fishing

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Little Bit of Sunshine in Southwest Florida

Capt. Sean Davis of Fish Warrior Charters summed up the past week with one word. “Wow!” What a difference a little bit of sunshine and warmer temperatures do for fishing. He said the trout bite has really taken off and his clients are catching them to 5 pounds using live shrimp under a popping cork. The key to their success was locating large lady fish on the feed as opposed to small ladies. If his anglers were catching small ladies they’d also catch small trout. When they found the larger ladies that is where the big trout were. Good current flow was also a factor in catching these fish.
The red fish are also starting to show up in much better numbers and can be found fishing tight to the mangroves with shrimp. Capt. Sean said that the fishing should only improve as the weather heats up.
If you are looking for an exciting day of fishing in Florida then come "Battle with the Best" with Captain Sean A. Davis.
Book your Fishing adventure today!!!

Until then, Bent Rods and Screaming Drags.

Captain Sean A. Davis
Fish Warrior Charters

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fishing on Fort Myers Beach


Another very chilly week on the water made fishing a bit tough but by no means did it shut off the bite.  It seems the fish have gotten use to the cooler water temperatures and have settled into a feeding pattern.  Be slow and persistent and you’ll have success with a number of species.

Capt. Sean Davis of Fish Warrior Charters said that the ladyfish have invaded the bay! Where there was once nice populations of trout there are now hoards of ladyfish. He has been working the deepest holes with shrimp on a jig head under popping corks and that has been the ticket this past week. The ladies have been so aggressive they are beating the trout to the bait.  It is all good though because the ladyfish are great sport on light tackle.  Just lighten your drags and enjoy the fight and you’ll also get your share of trout. The sheepshead are still biting well on shrimp tipped jigs.  Work the bait slowly over the bottom near mangrove cuts for success.

Book your Fishing adventure today!!!

Until then, Bent Rods and Screaming Drags.
Captain Sean A. Davis
Fish Warrior Charters

If you are looking for an exciting day of fishing in Florida then come "Battle with the Best" with Captain Sean A. Davis.
Book your Fort Myers Beach Fishing Charter Today!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fishing Report for November 25th


The fishing over the past week has been some of the best in years.  The continued warm weather has had a lot to do with the strong bite along with excellent water quality.  A cool down is forecast for next week but that shouldn’t do much to slow things down.

Capt. Sean Davis of Fish Warrior Charters reported lots of action this past week. Whether it was snook on the mangrove islands, out of season trout or a wide variety of game fish off our beaches, you pretty much had your choice of species. The beaches have an incredible amount of bait running them right now and everything is eating that bait.  On the outside there are schools of big black drum, monster bull reds, sharks, spanish mackerel and bonita.  The upcoming cold front might slow them down for a day or two, but as soon as it warms the fish should be right back in eating mode.  Capt. Sean reported a personal best while offshore with friends this week.  He boated a carbo “true black” grouper that weighed a little over 70 pounds!

Book your Fishing adventure today!!!

Until then, Bent Rods and Screaming Drags.
Captain Sean A. Davis
Fish Warrior Charters

If you are looking for an exciting day of fishing in Florida then come "Battle with the Best" with Captain Sean A. Davis.
Book your Fort Myers Beach Fishing Charter Today!!